
Upcoming 2024 Events: 

September 25th - dinner and educational meeting about APHON National Conference highlights.

November 2nd - AZ APHON Roller Skating Social

November 9th - Feed My Starving Children volunteer event

Past Events in 2024:

January 24 - dinner and educational meeting about fertility preservation at Banner Desert Medical Education 

February 20 - dinner and educational meeting about boundaries and burnout at Phoenix Children's Conference Center

April 6 - 2nd Annual Pediatric Hem/Onc Nursing Symposium, hosted by Arizona APHON at Banner Desert Medical Education, Rosati Education Center, Saguaro Conference Center Room

May 9 - dinner and educational meeting about radiation oncology 101 at Phoenix Children's Conference Center

June 15 - Movie Social and gift card drive at Harkins Theater

August 13 - dinner and educational meeting about trauma-informed care at Banner Thunderbird Medical Center

Past Events in 2023

February 15 - dinner and discussion about Trauma Informed Care with Caley Nelson, social worker at Phoenix Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders

February 28 - dinner and discussion about Raced Based Medicine with Dr. Alissa Darden, a pediatric hospitalist at Phoenix Children's

April 1- First Annual Pediatric Hem/Onc Nursing Symposium, hosted by Arizona APHON. 

June 10- Bend and Breathe - gift card drive benefiting Arizona hematology/oncology families, and a free yoga class for members

August 23 -  dinner and AYA Oncology Needs meeting in Tucson, AZ. 

September 9 - Annual Nurses Week Celebration

September 21-23 - National APHON Conference

October 25 - dinner and APHON National Conference highlights.

December 2 - AZ APHON cookie decorating party and gift card drive StreetLight USA

December 9 - Volunteering at the Children's Cancer Network Adopt-a-Family event

Past Events in 2022: 

March 10 - dinner and meeting about Race and Healthcare

March 3 - Live Program about confronting acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with ASPARLAS as part of a multiagent chemotherapy regimen

May 3rd - dinner hosted by United Therapeutics and neuro-oncology discussion with Dr. Ross Mangum

July 13th - dinner and Discussion about Caring for LGBTQA Children in the Healthcare Setting with Dr. Chulani

September 10 - Pediatric Hem/Onc Nurse Party sponsored by APHON AZ at Dobson Ranch Golf Course 

September 15-17th - APHON 2022 National Conference in Palm Beach, FL. In-person and virtual. 

October 25 - dinner and Discussion about Bone Marrow Transplant and Sickle Cell Disease with Dr. Ngwube

Past Events in 2021: 

October 27 - 30 - APHON 2021 National Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. Virtual only. 

September 8  - National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

September 8 - Danyelza: The New Treatment for Neuroblastoma with Jessica Forrest, CNE 

July 22 - Race and Healthcare with Dr. Lindsay Anderson, PhD

May 27 - Case Study: VOD with Pulmonary Dysfunction in a Pediatric Patient with Relapsed ALL Following HSCT with Dr. Kenneth Cooke, MD

March 18 - Sickle Cell Management with Dr. Sanjay Shah, MD

February 24 - Race and Healthcare 

Past Events in 2020

December 3 - Sickle Cell and Pain Management with Dr. Benjamin Pate, MD and Susie Butler Ching, MSN, PNP-AC

October 27 - Race and Healthcare 

July 22 - Pediatric anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis (NMDA) with Dr. Sameer Keole, MD

March 19 - Sickle Cell Management with Dr. Sanjay Shah, MD

February 20 - Treatment Considerations for Unituxin for high-risk neuroblastoma (dinutuximab) with Erin Armideo, MSN, CNRP, RN, CPON

January 21 - Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)  with Erin Armideo, MSN, CNRP, RN, CPON